Welcome to the WSCC Ice Racing Home Page

The history of people racing cars in Manitoba on ice has a long history going back many decades and every winter the Winnipeg Sports Car Club gears up for competitive auto racing as they host the Fire on Ice Championship series. Several different ice track locations are utilized throughout the winter season and WSCC typically hosts 5 weekend events starting usually on the first weekend in January and ending on the first weekend in March.

>> 2025  Ice Racing dates and location information <<

>> WSCC 2025 Ice Race Rules / Regulations <<

This action packed winter motorsport includes both Ice Drifting and Ice Racing catering to all levels of driver skill. The Ice Drifting group is a non-competitive, adrenalin filled sport similar to “hot lapping” where people typically enter their winter daily drivers or track cars to have fun trying to perfect their drifting and ice driving skills on a purpose built ice track. For those with a more competitive spirit the Fire on Ice Racing group is divided into 2 separate classes – the Street Safe Class and Studded Class. The newly formed Street Safe Class is an entry level race class that utilizes DOT winter tires, minimal car preparation and a tighter track design while the Studded Class includes prepared race cars with custom made studded tires for high speed racing action.

A typical Ice Race Event weekend includes:

  • Saturday: 10am till 12pm – rookie coaching and licensing school
  • Saturday: 12pm till 4:30pm – Street Safe Class practice, Studded Class practice and Ice Drifting.
  • Sunday: 10am till 12pm – practice and lunch break
  • Sunday: 12pm till 4:30pm – Ice Racing & Ice Drifting!

The live ice racing action on Sundays are usually commentated and broadcasted on designated FM radio station for spectators to follow the racing action within the warmth of their vehicle. For more information regarding on how to get involved all you need to do is answer one of the following questions:

Do you want to go “door-to-door” ice racing?

We have just introduced a brand new entry level ice racing class that could not be easier or more affordable to participate in. The new Fire on Ice Street Safe Class is all about cheap competitive fun that allows people to race with cars with minimal requirements that can be typically prepared in less than a day. Cars race on basic non-studded winter tires and the required race license can be obtained on the Saturday before a race day.

Things you must do:

  • Find a cheap car (horsepower is not important)
  • Get some decent winter tires
  • Install a rear facing amber fog light (available at Princess Auto, Canadian Tire, etc..)
  • Grab a helmet (or rent one from WSCC)
  • Become a WSCC club member (weekend or annual option available)
  • Attend a Saturday lapping, coaching & licensing day!

Things you can then do:

  • Buy your $60 WCMA Ice Racing competition license
  • Prepare to race on Sunday!

Before you hit the ice there are obviously a bunch of other important things to both know and do (like taping your car # onto you ride!) but also all the more detailed car requirements, licensing and event processes. All the do’s and mostly don’ts for preparing your car are spelled out in the WSCC Ice Race Supplemental Regulations and information regarding the licensing process can be found by click the links below. Racing with a passenger is allowed in this class and the fun and competitive racing spirit is infectious with this entry level group. The Street Safe class of ice racing is the most affordable competitive door to door racing there is in motorsport.

 >> More information on the new Street Safe Class <<

>> Download the WSCC Street Safe Class Checklist (PDF) <<
(to accompany the rulebook, making it easier to prepare your car)

>> More information on the race licensing process <<

Don’t want to risk damaging your car going “door-to-door” racing?

The Ice Drift group provides a safe lapping environment for those that want the excitement of hot lapping on a purpose built ice race track with their winter beater, daily driver or track toy. This is a non-competitive class designed for all makes and models of streetcars with the focus on car control and drifting on ice. No special license is required to enter this class and the cars are grouped together based on their average lap times and skill levels to help ensure everyone has room to safely drift and slide around the track without running into each other. New entrants are required to attend the Saturday orientation and coaching session prior to hitting the ice and all the rules and regulations along with additional Ice Drifting information can be found in the link above for the 2024 WSCC Ice Race Rules / Regulations (PDF).

Want to go “door-to-door” racing with more speed?

The Fire on Ice Studded Tire class is designed for those racers that are looking for a higher level of adrenalin and speed. The car preparation requirements are a bit more involved and primarily require a car that has an approved safety cage. Cars can fairly easily be built however there are often cheap used ice race cars for sale either within our club or neighboring ice race clubs. The personal safety equipment requirements are also more involved to align with the higher level of speed and traction that these cars get on our club spec studded tires. The custom built studded ice race tires can be purchased through the club and have proven to be extremely reliable, cheap…and effective! The grip and drifting speed that this class of cars gets is incredible which makes watching this group also a crowd favorite. If you are looking to join a competitive and high action winter race series look no further than the Fire on Ice Studded class. All the racing rules and car preparation requirements for joining this class are noted in link above for the 2024 WSCC Ice Race Rules / Regulations (PFD). If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact the WSCC Ice Director by emailing ice@wscc.mb.ca.

Want to get up close to the action or just watch?

Volunteers are the lifeblood our racing and we are always looking for fresh faces to help out as corner marshals or gate control. Enjoy the view of the cars racing by a few feet away from the safety of one of the corner marshal stations as you wave the flags. Training is provided and newcomers are encouraged. Lunch and drinks are provided on race day for volunteers along with other perks. Email the Ice Director or Volunteer director for more info or just show up and inquire with any of the other track volunteers or racers.

Spectators are welcome at all of our events and in the pit area as well. A signed mandatory waver is required for all spectators, pit crew personal and racers. People are encouraged to sign our online waver ahead of time and access to the event’s online waver is available typically one week prior to each event. Spectators can easily sign the online waver prior to arriving at the event and just show their pass on their smart phone at the gate when they arrive. Alternatively, access to the online waver and/or paper wavers will be available on site at the events.

>> Access the current available online SpeedWaver <<

Still got Questions?

Check out the Ice Race FAQ post on our club ice racing forum linked below which answers many more common questions that people might have. If we missed anything just send an email to ice@wscc.mb.ca and we will respond as soon as we can.

>> Ice Racing FAQ (frequently asked questions) <<

We hope to see you out on the ice!