What is Autocross/Autoslalom?
Experience the most accessible, educational, and dynamic grassroots racing in Winnipeg. Autocross is a timed motorsport competition that rewards intense concentration and finely tuned car control skills.
Drivers navigate one at a time through a course defined by traffic cones, usually on airport runways or in large parking lots. While top speeds tend to be lower than other forms of motorsport, the activity level per lap (measured in turns per minute), can be higher than even an F1 driver’s due to the number of elements and corners packed into each course! Course design changes every event which creates a fresh new challenge every time. Depending on course length, drivers will have anywhere from 4 to 6 laps to put down their best time for the race day.
The low barrier for entry makes autocross the most accessible gateway to performance driving. There are classes for all car types at an autocross event. From completely stock dailydriven compact cars to fully race-prepared formula race machines, an autocross grid is made up of both extremes and everything in between. Cars are grouped into classes according to their level of preparation and relative performance, and a PAX system is calculated to compare times across all classes. Wear and tear on consumables such as brake pads and tires are extremely low in the world of motorsport. The affordable price of entry makes autocross an easy choice for causal or serious drivers alike.
Autocross is one of the safest disciplines in motorsport, allowing drivers to push their cars and skills to the edge of performance in a controlled open space. Buffing out a few rubber cone marks is the biggest threat to an autoxer! The only safety equipment required is a helmet (with loaners on-site), seat belts, and a car in proper working condition.
Whether you’re starting from scratch or an experienced national championship competitor — autocross is the best playground to develop your performance driving skill sets and push them to new levels. With a friendly low-pressure environment that prioritizes fun and learning, our onsite instruction and ride-alongs make for a comfortable experience full of insight and support for any driver. Beyond reinforcing performance driving fundamentals, autocross pushes the experienced driver’s car control to the limit at all times, requiring rapid mental processing and vision skill sets to be the fastest.
If you have a driver’s license and a safe running car, you qualify to take part in our inclusive motorsport community because we believe autocross is for everyone.
Want to see more?
2023 Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships Recap
Check out this short documentary about Autocross.
Registration & Event Notes
Online event registration is done through Motorsportreg.com. Simply go to wscc.motorsportreg.com to get the full list of WSCC Winnipeg Autocross events (as they are updated), click the link to the event you are interested in, and follow the instructions to register. Events are typically posted 14 days before the event date and contain details such as pricing, event schedule, and more. Click the link to see the WSCC Event Calendar including the various racing discipline events here.
Season Schedule
Check out the season schedule here, and follow Winnipeg Autocross on Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date on upcoming events, schedules, and our autocross community
- $45 for Winnipeg Sports Car Club (WSCC) annual members online pre-registering (or members of other WCMA clubs)
- $55 for non-members online pre-registering
- For Saturday events, online pre-registration closes at 11 PM the Friday before the event.
- For Sunday events, online pre-registration closes at 11 PM the Saturday before the event.
- Late Registration Fees: $65 for WSCC annual members and $75 for non-members registering after 11 PM the night before event day, or event day morning.
- All registration must be completed on Motorsportreg.com.
Event Day Schedule
- Pre-registration Online Closes: 11 PM (night before)
- Gate Opens: 8 AM
- Check- in & Registration: 8:30 – 9:30 AM
- Course Open to Walk: 8:30 – 9:45 AM
- Guided Course Walks: 9:00 – 9:45 AM Drivers Meeting: 9:45 AM
- Racing Starts: 10 AM
- Timing of group switchovers & lunch breaks depend on attendance numbers.
Our events follow a 4–6 run format determined by the circuit length. Competitors can earn points towards the Winnipeg Autocross Season Championship during the official competition.
After the main event, registered drivers can enjoy ‘Fun Runs,’ offering 2 unofficial bonus runs! A minimum of 12 participants is required to hold the Fun Run segment.
Performance Driving School & Ladies First Autocross School
Both highly successful performance driving schools are back on the calendar this season. Be sure to follow our social platforms for upcoming details, teasers, and dates!
Helpful Resources:
- We have an active online forum. If you have any questions, please register, and ask a question in the relevant forum topic at forums.wscc.mb.ca
- Which class does my car belong to? SCCA National Solo Rules 2024 download (jump to Appendix A – Automobile Classes, page 181)
- Where is the track at St. Andrews Airport? Google Map Directions
- 2024 Supplemental Regulations: Coming Soon!